Spoon is an all natural, oil-based lubricant that is not made with parabens, glycerin, hormones, alcohol, or fragrances.

Spoon can be used as a gentle massage gel or as a lubricant for intimate areas.

Spoon is not a contraceptive and does not contain a spermicide.

Our only ingredient is pure, natural olive oil, so it is safe and non-irritating to the vagina. Studies are conflicting though on the use of olive oil with latex condoms and dental dams, so we recommend the use of non-latex protection. 1 2

1 SA Kingsberg, S Kellogg, M Krychman. International Journal of Women’s Health 2009:I 105–111.

2 Steiner M1, Piedrahita C, Glover L, Joanis C, Spruyt A, Foldesy R. Int J STD AIDS. 1994 Jan-Feb;5(1):29-36.